1869 Bartow County Courthouse/Bartow History Museum Project Overview Located in the “Under the Bridge” district of historic Downtown Cartersville, the stately courthouse was erected in 1869 during the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War with loans...
Lowry Mill Historical and Archeological Site Project Overview The mill site was originally developed in the mid-1800’s by Nathaniel Burge but would burn in the late 1870’s. Within two years, Daniel Lowry rebuilt the mill on the foundation of the original...
Friendship Plaza Project Overview Friendship Plaza is the center point of the Historic District of Downtown Cartersville. The city block encompasses the restored 1800’s train depot, an amphitheaters area, the wrought iron fence along the railroad...
Goodyear Clubhouse Project Overview Constructed to house supporting neighborhood business operations in the 1930’s by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company as the company expanded the thriving mill village of Atco, the building would house several uses...