The Vogue Project Overview Constructed in the 1890’s, 247 Broad Street had seen a series of uses over its first century before falling into disrepair in the 2000’s. A partnership between a Rome businessman and a legendary Rome Restauranter created a vision for...
The Historic First National Bank of Cartersville Project Overview In 1905 the First National Bank relocated to its new modern building on the corner of West Main and Erwin streets. By the mid 1960’s, a “modernization” robbed the building of its original splendor. A...
The Gem Theatre Project Overview Constructed in 1927 and later expanded in 1939, the Gem Theatre was the Calhoun’s only movie and performing arts venue until in closed in the late 1970’s. Following its initial run as a theater, the front lobby area housed a retail...
White Columns Project Overview Constructed as a “wedding gift” in 1876, White Columns is one of downtown Cartersville’s oldest remaining homes. Over its first 135 years, the property went from a grand residence to a triplex and then eventually sat vacant...
The rudy york house Project Overview This piece of land located on the busy Tennessee Street of Cartersville, Ga. holds way more history than meets the eye. In 1938, a local by the name of Rudy York constructed this house to raise his kids alongside his wife, Violet....